It’s all in the eyes, is what the professionals are saying now. New technology has opened up a concept that can diagnose many mental health conditions such as PTSD, autism, depression, and the like by looking into a person’s eyes. This technology is still in its early stages, but a company based in Texas is hoping to soon bring this futuristic method into reality.
Senseye Technology
The technology involves a phone app that has a person perform a few different visual tasks, and their responses may be a way to find PTSD. Steven Berkowitz works at the University of Colorado and is on the advisory board of this program. He says that people suffering from PTSD will often shy away from looking at disturbing images than those who are not.

Sadly, the current system used to detect if people are suffering from a mental illness is often ineffective. It relies on questionnaires full of things that are subjective and too vague. This leads to people often being misdiagnosed and given the wrong medical treatment. Steven maintains that this technology is the wave of the future when it comes to mental illness and will often cut out the middle man.
The Future Generation
The questionnaires commonly used are not always accurate and often result in false positives. Matt Vogl, the SEO of VXVY Mental Health, says this method can be tricky because some mental health issues have the same symptoms. For example, depression that is coupled with ADHD can often present symptoms like bipolar disorder.
Senseye is said to be the wave of the future. However, it still has a few bugs that need to be ironed out. This technology will be available sometime in the near future as researchers concentrate on people suffering from PTSD as their media platform.